Wow Wednesday's #weddings #wowweddings #weddingstyle #flowers #weddingflowers #weddingcrystal You Might Also Like Pretty Little Boxes. A gift is just a gift until you add your little magic! Do you love to wrap gifts! Or are you a bag and tissue kind of Diva or Divo? #giftwrapping #giftwrap #christmaswrapping #blackandwhiteandgold #holidayseason #christmas #gold #bows December 20, 2016 When you become one with the dress! #wedding #weddingdress #bride #seizetheday #nude #glamour #royal #regal #candles #timeless #wow February 2, 2019 Love this bed teepee mix from Target. You can buy for a hip kid's room or buy many for a teepee slumber party . #target #teepee #teepeeroom #teepeeslumberparty #kidsroom #kids #party #kiddecor #kidstyle #pillowfort February 23, 2016