There is nothing like a power couple. David+Slomique=Boss Couple #seizetheday #bosscouple #life #mornings #morningboss #morningquotes You Might Also Like Set the stage for the New Year with a Bubble Bar. Give your guest a head start to the bubbly fun and their sparkling success in the new year. To add to the experience, change out the edible (fruits, candy, purées ) accents every hour. #newyearseve #newyears2017 #partyplanning #eventplanning #eventdetails #sparkles #champagne #champagnebar #seizetheday #seizetheyear #seizethedaysin2017 #eventbar January 3, 2017 The way you end the night in Hawaii #qualitytime #hawaii #vacation #funtimes April 21, 2016 #Repost @montreburton with @repostapp・・・You know, just two crazy cats strolling down the carpet with my big sis @slomique at #TheBounceBack premiere. December 20, 2016