The perfect end to my WEEK! Disney's Club 33! You Might Also Like To finish off your Bubble Bar, add show stopping stemware and a little surprise of Rock Candy. Now rock the night away! #eventbar #seizethedaysin2017 #seizetheyear #champagnebar #specialtydrinks #events #newyears #newyearseve2017 #eventplanning #stemware #glassware #champagne #rockcandy January 3, 2017 Tabletop Tuesdays: when designing your placesetting details, try to design with functionality. For Example take a cute necklace and make it into a napkin accent. This would be a perfect detail for a bridal shower where the ladies can take home as a gift. #bridalshower #tabletoptuesdays #placesettings #weddingdetails #seizetheday #carpediemevents #napkins #chargerplates #slomiqueseizetheday April 19, 2017 The Forty Year Old Diet. Kale Salad and a Vojito (mojito made with Vodka) with Fruit. Got to get my daily fruits and Veggies in. #catalrestaurantandbar #anaheim #withthehubby #lovinglife #vojito #kalesalad #fortyandfabulous April 10, 2016