Thanks Sierra Lakes School for inviting me to speak to your kids. It was an honor and pleasure. Giving back to our future is the way I say thank you to God! 🏾 #school #outfuture #eventplanning #blessings #blessed #kidsareawesome #greatnessawaits You Might Also Like Tradition vs Style: if your partner came home with this champagne Sapphire engagement ring would you be disappointed because it was not a diamond? #traditionsvspersonality #wedding #engagementring #gemstones #brideandgroom #ceremony #weddingrings March 2, 2016 Great wedding gifts. You could always have customs ones made. Buy basic white or black coffee cups and have my girl @calligkatrina customize them for you. #calligraphy #seizetheday #weddinggifts #bride #groom #gifts #customgifts #wedding January 4, 2017 This is an Amazing Cause and I am so happy to be a part of this SOLD OUT EVENT! @slomiqueThanks @lovesongphotography and @thelovesongfoundation August 25, 2019