Spanish Inspired Bouquet. #Spanish #latinvibe #spanishstylewwddding #ceremony #latinwedding #latinabride #spanishbride #flowers #weddingflowers You Might Also Like Kick off Summer with this Trix Inspired cocktail. "Lemony Yellow", "Orangey Orange", "Raspberry Red" and Wildberry Purple". Use organic juices in this color scheme and freeze is ice trays. Once frozen place in glass and add vodka!!! #entertaining #summerentertaining #summer #fun #cocktails #summercocktails. #Trix #drinks #summer planning #DIY June 21, 2016 Wood textures and white china finished with copper flatware and amber goblets. #woodslabs #candles #placesettings #amberglass #placecards #eventplanning #holidayseason #holidaydecor #wooddecor #garland # December 20, 2016 Bye to my great friend @mrniiquartelai. I will miss my love. By now I have someone to visit in DC. Leave the porch light on for me. September 20, 2016