Bouquet of the day. Roses, mums, tulips and orchids. Accented with a rosary, ribbon and lace. #flowers #bridesmaids #bridesmaidbouquet #rosary #lace #seizetheday #bride #brideandgroom You Might Also Like Be unique with your celebration feast. If you are having a small wedding (50 or under) treat your guests to great tasting food via a hip cool food truck. If you are feeling adventurous, add in a dessert and ice cream truck!!! #foodtruck #weddingideas #bride #brideandgroom #couples #wedding #events #bride #weddingfood #unique #trendyweddings #funweddings #unconventionalwedding June 24, 2016 Good Morning. May you find Peace in your journey today. #goodmorning #peace #clouds #mountains #fresh March 16, 2016 One of the most BEAUTIFUL venues to get married. La Foce Garden in Italy. #weddingvenue #lafoce #lafocegarden #bride #groom #marriage #wedding #ceremony April 14, 2016