Bouquet of the day. Roses, mums, tulips and orchids. Accented with a rosary, ribbon and lace. #flowers #bridesmaids #bridesmaidbouquet #rosary #lace #seizetheday #bride #brideandgroom You Might Also Like Happy Labor Day: early morning beach time with the family. #labordAy #familyfun #qualitytime #beach #manhattanbeach September 20, 2016 Had a great time at the Gospel Goes to Hollywood. Very inspiring just what the soul needed. #gospelgoestohollywood #spirit #spiritual #redcarpet #goodtime February 28, 2016 Reaching for the stars, can be closer than you think. @callawaygable #luxuryweddings #weddings #glamour #stars #crystals #blingwedding #bride #weddinggown June 27, 2020